Sunday, November 28, 2010


Someone have dreamt of something, achieved it and now thinking whether the sacrifices made are worth what achieved.
Someone has been sitting on the car for 2 hours. Reason: Overwork! Business has been going so well, that he is trying so hard to cope, and now... tired. Instead of going back home, he chose to stay in his car, enjoying his own companion.

Someone is living in abundance, but has never stopped complaining. No time, No money, Have nothing. In fact, he has almost everything! A lot of people would love to be him, or rather to have whatever he has and live with gratitude.
Someone have chosen the path of life she will be living. She is now living it, not the perfect desired fairy tale, but she hangs on! Cried a bit, get herself up and seeing things clearer and happier now...

Someone... think differently
Someone... live different life story
Someone... hang on
Someone... continue to live on~

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