Monday, June 11, 2012

"Hello World..."

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Dear  Blog, I miss you...   
Have been away for so long… and here I am in need of you and find my way back to you…

Can’t sleep well for two days in a row… What I got is a tired eyes, restless mind and worrying soul. I want to just go with the flow, like water… I want to fly to where the air is blowing, like sand in the dessert… I want to pass the days as it has been written, as some will call it as FATE. But how do I know if I am walking the right path? Who can tell me?

How was life? two months back in town… I can only say I love people I met lately. But I don’t love my surrounding as much as I love my previous one. Banzai to first job in your life! Oh my~ I never thought I will miss them so much… I don’t have the chance to say thank you properly to those who have taken care of me for my three years back there in Singapore. Settling down in a foreign country will not be easy without them. My previous bosses whom I had learnt so much from. I wish SDG grows as it is planned. Please keep its core values as before, where you put people first than anything else. I am grateful to know my dearest colleagues who had taken care of me~ Helen, Lena, Mercy, Shirley, Celia, Nancy and many more~ Be good, til we meet again~ I Love you all~

Back to the reason I am here, writing this post. I am confused, worried and lost. I am confused of the purpose of my life. I am worried to think the darkness ahead of me not knowing exactly I am heading now. Yeah... I am now really lost. What should I do? Someone told me, not to be confused, I should be living my own life, the way I want it to be, thus others have no right to tell me what to do. But what if it comes from people you love? You know that they mean good and you are actually partially agree with them. However, it may not be always what you wanted to do, not the way of life you want to live? What would you do?

I don’t know the answer, I just need my goodnight sleep now~