Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Time to Act!

I am upset and glad at the same time.

Upset with the fact that I know that I can do more in so many things, instead I wasted my time for nothing good. I just did my first table topic (after 3 prepared speeches) and realize I am no good at thinking on my feet and organizing my thought in a beautiful flow... All these can be improved with more practice, which I have not been doing.

Glad that I discover it now than later...

Time to act! Do more... So that I won't regret later...

Saturday, September 17, 2011

I just want...

Life should be lived to the fullest! No one know what would happen tomorrow.

Lately, there are so many bad news...

My deepest condolences to my friend and his family who lost his 2 brothers in a tragic accident!

My prayer to another friend of us, whose mom requires a major surgery. Hope she makes through it and recover fast!

Also... wish my sister strength! She is in joy welcoming a new family member in her life, but she seemed to be at the lowest point of her life. Whatever it is, time heals everything for me, I hope it will too for you.

I just want everyone to live happily with less worry...