Saturday, February 23, 2013

26 Years of Life that was Lived Well

No one can predict how long my life will be, I am guessing that about quarter to one third of my life has passed. Grateful for the life lives well!
26 Living Rules that I have learnt:
1. Family always comes first
They are the people who you can always turn to when you are in need. They can be hard on you sometimes, but that’s part of the loving, unconditionally.
2. Friends, trustable ones, may not be many. Appreciate them if you have them.
Friendship is not like wine, there is no guarantee it will be good when it is long. If you already have them, appreciate them. If you have not, be open in meeting new friends and select only those who lift you up.
3. Be Sincere!
Say only things that you mean. No Lies, especially to those whom you love. If the lies are sealed perfectly, it haunted you for the rest of your life. If you are caught lying, it haunts them the rest of their life. Both are bad!
4. Do NOT go with the crowd.
Things may be easier if you just go with the crowd, but be smart. Remember: plane takes off against the wind.
5. Be Kind and Help others.
Help others, sincerely! You will know how it helps you to be happier! At the end, it is what matter the most.
6. Money is Important, but It is not everything.
Money pays the bill and let us lives with less worry; earn just enough for what you think is good life (it can mean 3 meals + 1 tea time + 1 supper or it can be travel around the world in 90 days)! Whatever it is, do not exhaust yourself to the extent you can’t enjoy what you have earned!
7. Over-thinking has always done more bad than good.
Think but do not do it overly, it leads to an endless guessing to unpredictable future. Moreover, something that is endless are often no good.
8. Do not do things that you don’t wish others do to yourself.
Show respect if you want to be respected. Be polite if you want others to be polite to you. Hurt no one if you want no one to hurt you.
9. Love Life.
Only when you are alive that you have the opportunities.
10. Pay attention to the little things.
Sometimes, they teach you more than the obvious big things.
11. Give your best in everything you do.
Since you decide to do it, give it your best. Hard work always pays, in any forms!
12. Say “Thank you”.
Best thing about saying thank you is that it doesn’t cost you anything and it may make someone’s day bright! What to lose?
13. Woman, know what you worth!
Despite how the world sees our limitation, do not underestimate yourself!
14. Keep aside at least one third of your monthly income.
You will never know when you will need them, either to help yourself or others.
15. Smile :)
Even when you have no reason to smile, force it! Sometimes, the curve ups on your lips may be interpreted as good thing in your brain.   
16. Stand up for what matters.
If you think something will not matter in 5 years time, don’t fight for it. Stand up only to things that matter!
17. Invest in things that improve you, both spiritually and physically.
Read books, listen to music, play with your pet, adventure out in nature, play ‘sanely’ in stock market, work when it’s working hours, and avoid politics to live in peace.
18. Dream big!
Set goal in life and follow through. It is okay to drift away from time to time, but find your way back to the track where you should be. We are all born to be someone who are meant to do something, meaningful things.
19. Cry when you need to.
Being strong does not mean you can’t shed tears. It just mean after you are done crying, you pick yourself up again and start the day new!
20. Be rebellious, but don’t hurt.
It is okay to be rebellious as long as you don’t hurt yourself and others, especially those who care. Sometimes, we need to learn the hard way.
21. Above all, health is wealth!
Be grateful if you are healthy. Trust me on this. You don’t want to start believing this until you get sick. Take care of yourself!
22. Let your feeling out, and feel better.
If you know you can’t say it well verbally, write it down, phrase and rephrase it, to avoid miss understanding. Cursing doesn’t help much most of the time.
23. Don’t let others hurt you repeatedly.
If someone you love hurt you, unintentionally, give them second chance! If for any reasons it happens again, remind yourself that they may not worth your love, tell yourself how many more wounds you can take from that same person. What if strangers hurt you? Ignore them, if they are not gone yet, time to walk away! Your life is too precious to be lived around them. (In Buddhist, compassion is the teaching, but I am no saint)
24. Love unconditionally & with respect, at the same time Think Logically
Be romantic, but do not let love blinds you. It is hard to do, but try. I don’t know much but I know enough that in relationship respect is important.
25. Listen to your children.
I am glad that my parents are not dictator, that’s where I learn to make my opinion heard, and then it’s when people start listening to what I have got to say.
26. Be grateful for everything.

Chinese New Year 2013

Chinese New Year is one of my favorite festive days! Again, as I have posted before, it’s for the laughter, the food (can be scary sometimes), the family gathering, the part where people are not allowed to get angry, the reason to come back home.
This year? It’s different for me. The first time for the past 7 years that I actually have plenty of time to spend in my hometown. Not that it’s very very special, but rather it’s just different!
I would like to ‘pen’ this down: “I drive home, 4 and half hours drive”
If someone asks me when is the last time you do something for the first time?
I would say, it’s a few days ago. For the past 25 years, I have been the daughter who just sit while my dad (the only person who drive in my family until May 2012, before I learnt how to) did the driving.
 Something I am very proud of! J Not that I did it alone, my dad gave instructions (irritated me sometimes, but it did help, a LOT indeed). But yeah... I feel proud because while my dad replaced me for half an hour for me to take a break and said his leg hurts, I was there and able to help! You should know the feeling if you ever be the one who help while nobody else can. Yeah! I saved the night! Haha.. Not really a big thing, but for me it’s remarkable!
We can do it even without a male sibling in the family. Don’t worry, Dad & Mom... I am here for you! J
I would like to make a wish while the year is still fresh!
“Wish that things that I do will go smoothly, I know it will be slow, but give me a glitter of hints that it will be alright! I wish the same for people I love and care the most!”
To family & friends, wherever you are... Happy Chinese New Year!
Lin ^ ^