Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Faith in Family and True Friends

I do not envy those with many acquaintances. The relationship is just too loose. They slip away when you are falling.

I envy those with a few or even only one close friend. The relationship is stronger. They back you up when you are falling.
I envy even more those close to their family. The relationship sticks! They let you fall, they feel the pain, they go through it with you, they prepare you so that you are stronger even when they are not close by your side.

Saturday, April 9, 2011

Double-edged Sword

Internet can make someone a star overnight, but there are times when it goes unhealthy and causes harm than good.
I was browsing through internet, and watching parody video on nighahiga channel. The latest was on Rebecca Black's song, Friday. People are saying that the song was ridiculuos - the lyrics, the voice, the whole video clip. Some posted hatred comments, asking her to just die. Gosh...
Another video is on the bully in school in Australia. Casey and Richard. In the video, Richard was seen to bully and pick up a fight with Casey. It has been going on for 3 years, and when everything piles up, Casey then brutally smacked Richard down. The video goes to youtube, and Casey gets the support, while Richard is hated as if he is Gadaffi, hated by the world.
I am not saying that Richard is right, BUT.. come on... they are kids. Right, that they need to learn their lesson, but WHO ARE YOU TO JUDGE? Posting your harsh and hatred comments. In the long run, it will never be helpful, not to Casey nor Richard.
Internet provides information. Information is Power. Power is double-edged sword - use it right and it will do you good and vice versa.

Wednesday, April 6, 2011


"Dream big and you will have big problem

Dream small and you will have small problem

Do not have a dream, and you will have no problem"

We all have the right to choose :)

Sunday, April 3, 2011

Happy Birthday, Mom...

Last year, around this time (lunar calendar: the exact same day), My family and I were in Bali. I was diving, and later at night, we were going to have dinner in Jimbaran beach side.
That was all planned for Mom's birthday =D
Another year, she and dad are celebrating it at home, my sis in Medan and Me, here, in Singapore.
No matter how far we are.. Happy Birthday, Mom :)

Love you~
