Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Eat, Pray, Love

I fall in love with "Eat Pray Love". The book!!! I watched the movie, but I have no comment about it, except a big THANK YOU for giving our beautiful Bali a very good exposure. "Terima Kasih."
Anyway, back to the book... I have not finished it yet (now am at 'Indonesia' chapters), and I basically have been glued to it, except when I am at work.
The book bored me a little during the first 36 chapters, where it was in Italy, good food, beautiful city and language, but I am just a bit bored. Then... it started to get me addicted when her story in India begin.
I envy the main character, which is also the writer of the book, for having the opportunity, the courage, the financial support to have the taste of 3 different countries for that year round. That was kind of life that I am dreaming for (although I know one day, apparently, people need to settle down). But for once being A Citizen of the World, it's just my dream!
I will not be summarzing the book, but I know if I own the book, there will be a lot, a lot, a lot of bookmarks that I will have pasted to it =D
The Ketut Liyer with his style of meditation (how can you meditate, keeping all smiley face, and LIVER? =D), the poet friend, the Richard from Texas, the idea of serving God by serving people who you love and care for, are things that get me all excited about this book.
P.S. Those who love beauty and gourmet will definitely love Italy, Those who are seekers will love India, Those who are Indonesian will Love Indonesia, Those who have sensitive heart will love this book :)

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