Monday, June 14, 2010


He is fifteen, but he looks like 9 years old.
He speaks like a normal kid, but you can tell that he is a kid with down syndorme.
He is an unfortunate kid in some ways, but he is fortunate for being love.

I felt touched, I felt he deserves something better, most of all, I am happy for him.

In my neighbourhood, I saw a kid grows up with a down syndrome. They all look the same. This kid might be a bit 'naughty', but now, when I am home, I saw him 'working', earning his own money, in a small stall in the wet market.

I thought that is Great! With all the limitations, he is at least employed and his employer loves him because he is hardworking. Think about it, if I were to compare with people I know, where they live in abundance, depending on parents mostly, make them feel there is no urgency to do their best (or even complain about the small LITTLE 'crappy' things in their life) I feel disgusted.

I thought life, at the end, is always fair! Just try to look everything from different angle. Sometimes, might be a bit hard, but it's worth the try, at least for me. Like how we always use 'but' after a positive statement, we can do the same whenever we start with a negative statement. The first is about complaining, the latter is about being more open-hearted for any differences in life (It's not unfair, It's just different).

P.S. I know most people do not believe that there is what so called as "Fair". Proven! I had difficulty in searching for a picture for this post. Gosh~

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