Friday, December 3, 2010

Mommy Mommy

You will only know the feeling of being a mom when You have already become one, that what my sister told me...
A lot of emotional involvements in raising the children; the feeling of joy, proud, heartfelt symphaty, and sometimes, pain...
I would not say that my sister is the best mommy; she is emotionally unstable (I guess this is not genetic, but definitely it runs in the family of our generation) and sometimes can be very childish, but one thing for sure, she is hanging on there and doing her best! That's the best already, in my opinon.

Recently, she had unintentionally hurt her daughter, and was feeling so so so guilty, regret and most of it is pain.

To keep the story short, the daughter got 3 stitches on her upper lip after the unfortunate incident. Back from the hospital, my sister was still crying (my niece had already stop crying by then), then my niece come to her mom, wipe off her mom's tear and told her: "Mommy, adult cannot cry, only small kids who cry".
How sweet she is~
Then, my sis asked her "don't you hate mommy?"
My niece said "no la~~~" *smiling
She is like a warm sunshine, she melts my heart, she melts her mom's heart~

My sister is a proud and lucky mommy. My parents are proud and lucky grandparents. Not forgetting myself, I am a very proud aunt~

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