Friday, December 24, 2010

Majority that are NOT supposed to rule

Was reading the paper, that in Indonesia, some people are making noise because of the Christmas decoration that are being put up in the shopping mall during this festive season.

I was thinking, what's the problem with that? It's ridiculous!

Many Indonesians come to Singapore to celebrate Christmas and New Year, doesn't it something that they need to be worried about? People are no longer feeling safe in their own land, their home, at least I do, for the first time in my life. =(

It's a democratic country. Since young, we are taught that there are five religions that are acknowledged in our country. We were asked to mention it during our exam. It sticks! All of us have the right to choose our own believe (even if you do not believe any, you still need to choose, for your identity card purpose =p). Thus, all of us have the right to celebrate our own holy days.

I am not a Christian, I am not really celebrating Christmas, but you know what? It does not bother me that the believers are celebrating Christmas, in their very own ways, sharing the joy with others, non-believers. Respect others for that. If this is bother some people, does it mean being happy is a Crime now?

The decorations are not meant to 'christianized' others, and don't they think it's such a silly reason for people to convert because of that. Phew~

Majority does not always rule! For the sake of World Peace, Please RESPECT others!

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