Friday, December 24, 2010

Latest update

Merry Christmas! It's Christmas and I am home, luckily not alone. Haha...

Anyway, was doing 'Winter-Christmas' cleaning... Clearing all my tables top from all mediciations that I have dilligently consumed and used for the past few days. Being ill is BAD! REALLY BAD! especially when your mom is not around to take care of you. You feel pain, sick, and quite often you find yourselves crying to sleep. =( Anyway, recovering now, and am eating like a piggy, almost every hour! Phew~ After the suffering that I managed to shed off some weight, hope this does not gain me more of the pounds.

Cause of this, on the first list of resolution for next year and I really will commit (as of now =p) is to keep myself healthy! The reason is I Hate Hospital, despite I am working in one.

Anyway, Wish Everyone a Merry Christmas and a Healthy and Wealthy New Year 2011.

P.S. Thanks to all friends & my landlord and the helper for taking care of me when I was sick! =D

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