Monday, July 5, 2010

My First Run

Here I am, super sleepy, but feel that I have to note it down, before the 'good feeling' dries off.

Yup! Am talking about my first 5km run, yesterday. I finally survived and completed the run. I think I am doing great. Well... to be fair I would like to say "better than some others." Giving my best, is the best part.

I found reaching the finish line is not the main point, nor how long it takes to finish it, it's the 'journey' in finishing the run which is great!

When I first see the sign "1 km", I feel 4km more to go. I then passed the 2km sign, half way to go. Then I ran pass the 3 km sign, I thought 'this is my limit during my practice in the gym, but today I feel I still can run another 3km'. Last, the greatest feeling was not when I reached the finish line, but when I passed the 4km, I know I am going to complete that run, and I did!

During my first 15 minutes in the bus home, I felt like smiling~ People might think I am nuts. Well, with a pair of muddy shoes, dirty training pants, wet hair, sleepy face, Oh~ Perfect! Anyway, the rest of almost 2 hours bus ride, I slept! Didn't care :p
Lesson that I learnt: Most of the time, things are not as difficult as it seems to be. Always take things step by step. It never fails!
Read the news today, the event has collected a sum of fund that will be donated to Singapore Cancer Foundation. Our prayer with you all, Fighters!

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