Friday, July 16, 2010

Need to...

I found the word "Need to, but Don't Want to"
There are things that are done because we need to get it done, although it's something that we might not be comfortable with. Sometimes, it can be a great deal as we are going against what we believe in, but most of the time, we manage to find the reasons to do it, feel bad, and move on. Life is easier this way!

Change has never been easy. I find myself changes a Lot, and I have hard time dealing with it, when I realize it, e.g. I do not really laugh at something silly anymore and I do not enjoy talking about something unnecessary anymore.

It's something I need to get it done, because I am grown up! I can't dress an adult and still bring my childhood's toys around, can I?

I do not know why am I so stressed out because of this things, I have the right to change to be a better person. I have to be nice to myself. For those people who can't understand, "bye bye". I still believe, have faith that there are a few people, family friends who will still have their arm wide open to hug me, have their ears to listen to me, have their heart to talk to me. For them; "thank you."

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