Friday, March 4, 2011

4th Anniversary

March 2007 is the month I started writing on blogger, and stopped blogging on Friendster.

It's been 4 years and I have got 159 blog posts so far...

Maintaining has not always been easy. I need to sit down, type, read, delete, retype, read, delete, retype and so on... When the 'machine' has cool down, it always takes time to warm it up, and there the down time was...

I am grateful that I find something that I am passionate in... I am not great YET! but... One thing for sure, I AM GETTING BETTER!

Banzai, Writers!!!

With heartily passion,
Lin ^ ^

* I shall do something to the current black background, as some feedback said it hurt their eyes, when they stay too long in the site. I shall admit it actually hurts mine too. :p Feedback penned down!!!


Ming said...

i don't have any problem so far though with the background colour

Adi said...

Jiayou Lin! Keep writing

Linda Tan said...

Ming: Try to read 3 long posts, when I switch screen, everything kinda too bright. haha

Adi: Thanks... I will =D