Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Brain Exercise

"What is the best exercise for your brain?"

Read such a question in one article. What would be your answer then?

I got a shock when the answer reveal is "Sneakers". What is the relationship between Brain which locates in our head (toppest level of human anatomy), and Sneakers that we wear to protect your feet (lowest level in human anatomy)? The idea is wear sneakers to do some work-out that could train up our brain. Think of it, this answer makes sense and just simply the truth. When we do more exercise which main intention is to firm up our body or any other physical and health concern, in fact in bring more good than its look, healthy mind and sharper brain. My friend said this question reminds her to her physic teacher in secondary school which always promote his subject by the motto "In healthy body, there will always be healthy mind". Yes, sir!!! You got it right this time - simply because your brain is in your body, afterall.

Other than just simply move your body, there are some other things to keep your brain sharp and healthy (an intersting article derived from Reader's Digest). Here we go:

1. Feed it
Food has always been main important thing in this world. =) Let's be a bit scientific. Study found that antioxidant in some foods has been a good cancer fighter by neutralizing the harmful free radicals will energize your brain as well. Some of rich antioxidant foods are: beans, whole grain, nuts and spices. But... Balance nutrition kinda superior. Too much is just too much and can be harmful to your body and brain. Consume in the right way. Nice huh? Getting healthy in so much fun way, by eating. What are you waiting for? Go Go Go!!!

2. Speed it Up
How to speed up a brain? Treadmill definetely won't do this time. But the same logic as applied in treadmill will do for your brain. There are more researches and development have been done to train up our brain which is simply our basic asset. Smart brain is one simple reason of the "Smart-ass" complement originates. If you wish to be one, train it up. How? might be able to go for a handheld game from Nintendo called "Brain Age: Train Your Brain in Minutes a Day" to train up your brain or patented computer-based training regimen from Michael Merzenich, PhD., a neurologist at the University of California. Although there is no approvement from FDA that these tools can be treatment for brain impairment, but it is proven that scientific studies show that these tools might help in slowing down the brain aging. Anyway, any activities that need the engagement of focus would be worthy to do. How lucky we are to have all these fun things to do, while it improves our brain's capabilities.

3. Stay Calm
As 'moving' you brain is important, staying calm is equally so. While Yoga and Meditation activities are professional and cooler choices, there is other simple way to remain calm. Breathe. Relax. Good.

Further from just breathe and relax, have a good night sleep! Believe it or not, sometimes solving complex problem, calculus proof, even to the simplest thing in choosing family car might worth to just "sleep on it".

4. Laugh a Bit
Humor stimulates the parts of our brain that use the "feel good" chemical messenger dopamine. That puts laughter in the category of activities you want to do over and over again, such as eating chocolate or having sex. Laughter is pleasurable, perhaps even "addictive," to the brain.
Although it might not make us smarter, it is still worth to do, as it costs us nothing, no?

5. Get Better with Age
As we age, means millions even billions scenarios in life are recorded. What does it mean? You just have to recall it to be applied in another aspects of your life. This is the scientific explanation on the saying "wisdom of older people", and this explains why a 20-years-old man is not allowed to run for president. It is good to know that some things are getting better as we age, isn't?

Interesting to know that exercising and energizing brain would be so much fun, isn't?


Jazzsen said...

no wonder ever since I started gym I feel smarter and sexier (linda vomit blood).

Linda Tan said...

Smarter is acceptable. Sexier is a bit too much!!! =.=

Shan Shang said...

-.-" Got 2 blogs but different posts... Akh...

Linda Tan said...

Haha... So have space to write more... =D