Sunday, August 10, 2014


Today is the 30th day of my HappyHealthyHoney mission. Started it 30 days ago, just to remind myself to be thankful of all the little things in life, every single day!

FYI, this has nothing to do with drinking honey to be healthy and happy, as someone perceived it that way. Haha... It's totally not that! Although I have been drinking honey lemon almost every day for the past 3 weeks! It soothes the throat after long day of teaching, nothing more!

Anyway... the past 30 days, I have been trying to look for something good in each day that passed. If it is not something happy, it must be healthy, if it is not healthy, it is at least out of love ('honey' is chosen because it rhymes) Someone said it well, not every day is good, but there is a little good in every day. For that we are grateful!

Tracing back to each day through my Twitter, I realised that doing my best is what kept me happy. There are those days that I just want to lazy around, do perfectly nothing. It feels good, but it feels much better if I get things done! So, balancing is one thing! I wish I can do more, but there is a limit to the body I am now in... So as always, I just want to make the best out of things that I have now!

Also, knowing that I take care of myself well, eating and drinking healthy, exercising are things that make me happy.

Then, despite the kids that get me stressed out from time to time, I too realized that they are the reason behind my smiles! They are the people who can make me laugh and feel free lately. Things that they do that irritates me are all unintentional. They are pure soul! Stay that way longer, kids! :)

Good friends are hard to find! I am happy that I have one or two good friends! Friends who are ALWAYS there when am in need (and I am often "in need" :p), who don't take advantages of me, who are kind enough to 'slap' me in the face and sincerely willing to walk beside me and take my hand until am out of the black hole! Exaggerating am I? Haha... But I really do have that friend(s)!!! :)

My partner who is in a far far away land has made some of my days too. About two weeks ago (24 July) we are officially together and not-together (LDR) for 2 years! Communication is better lately and I am glad he is doing well there. I should say I am doing good too here! and as human being who has endless wishes, I hope WE will do well together for many more years to come~ :)  

Family is something that can't be left out, including my extended family! I am grateful that I am raised in this family! Everyone lives in different characters, there is no one perfect character, but in each of them I can see the good in them. I think I am just that person who always try to see the single flower that blooms in a huge green grass field! It is small, but it beautifies the view! It makes the little difference in it, in a good way! Each and every family member is like that! We contribute in different way. I love you, All~

As the mission ends in another 20 minutes (before the day ends) I just think that life is something unpredictable! We make plan (I personally LOVE making plan and follow through, it gives me a direction), but sometimes we gotta be more flexible too, considering how uncertain things can be!

A few things that I am working on for myself, so that things can be easier are the art of:
- Letting go
- Saying "Thank You" all the times
- Enjoying the moment
- Being Positive
- Being Kind
- Being Honest
- Loving

So Much Love,
Lin ^ ^

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