Tuesday, February 9, 2016

The Wedding

Hello from Bali…

The last few months have been super busy months for us Henki & I. Since the discussion about the marriage and we got the date for the wedding, we were then busy preparing for the wedding (in Medan). On the wedding day, we are grateful that every single thing went smoothly. The reception was a bit of a beautiful chaos because there are so many surprises from friends, family and MC which are all unplanned. We apologize if there was anything that was unsatisfactory, especially my performance on the stage! I am not prepared, galsss… But I love that song so much, 我只在乎你 (wo zhi zai hu ni) from the legendary Teresa Deng. You can call me old, but it is more meanigful than Taylor Swift’s song (no offense to Taylor’s fans. :p)

Anyway, I would really like to keep a reminder for myself how things had been before during and after the wedding for us.

During the preparation, we both have been doing so good. Thanks to a good friend that gave me a heads-up, saying that many couples got into disagreement, quarrels, or even breaking up when they were preparing for the wedding. I can understand that, since it is no longer involve only the two of us, but the family. For this, I would really give thanks  to those super understanding family members that have made our life easier during the planning. I love you all for that.

Then, I would really give thanks to my family, aunties, uncles, who had lent helping hands during the preparation and on the D-day itself. And after the event, during the farewell with my relatives, there are so much tear shed and thank you for showing me that I am much loved in this family. I feel bad because Henki  received so much threats from my relatives. He had no choice but to take a good care of me, since there will be big riot from my big big family if he doesn’t do so. I love you, baby =D

Apart from family members, I would say that I am the luckiest girl on Earth to have such a wonderful small group of friends. Some friends have helped me a lot during the preparation of the wedding. It is not only a saying, but I really do not know how to do it without them. Thank you for being such wonderful friends. I believe in Karma, and they are one of the best Karma that I had/have ever had! Thank you… And a year, two years, ten years, twenty, thirty years from now, I will never be able to thank you gals enough. I love you!!!!

I would like to thank friends who had taken time off their busy schedule and made the trip to attend our wedding. We apologize that we are unable to give you full company during your stay in Medan. But sincerely, your presence there is so much appreciated. Thank you!!!

And hey… a beautiful wedding is dreams of all girls, but I got to know that the gentlemen may have their own version of dreamed wedding too, and often it is something simple. For this, I would like to thank my partner in life for being so patience during the preparation of all things, for dealing with the Medanese wedding culture with an opened heart.

It wasn’t a grand wedding, but it was a meaningful one. It taught us a lot during the whole process, about patience, gratefulness, simplicity, value in life, and above all, love.

My mom's best advice to me is “The most important thing is not the wedding, but how both of us walk our life together in the future as a family. It is important not to always take, but to give too. Patience, communication, honesty, respect are all that matter.”

I hope with her good prayers for both of us, we can live this life together as husband and wife, just like how mom and dad have been in their togetherness for almost 40 years. It will not be always bed full of roses but it can be a beautiful life if we both give our best to it.

We may not have the same faith, religiously, but we believe that it is important to be Kind.

Thank you, All and Thank you, Life… For giving us each other!

Henki & Linda

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