Friday, March 13, 2015


I can’t recall when my love for Chinese language started. The only thing that I know when people asked me why I want to learn Chinese is “It’s beautiful”. However, it has been a while since I last said that.

For the past few weeks, I am preparing for my HSK exam, so as “supplementary” materials I have been spending one to two hours watching Chinese programme on TV every night, trying to enrich my vocabulary. Now enjoying the night watching Chinese TV channel, I am being reminded again of that feeling. I am holding my tears and swallowed it down my throat when the MC was introducing things. I am amazed by the richness of this language, it has impressed me every time I learn 4 new characters that form a phrase which can only be explained in at least one full sentence in other languages to capture the exact meaning, most importantly is how it has brought to LIFE the beautiful thoughts and things in our world. That’s the beauty of language in general, however, I have something for Chinese that I don’t have for other language (as of now). For me, she is just Graceful.

I have long way to go before I am able to put every single thoughts of mine in a beautiful form of Chinese. Right now it has been a blessing to just have the privilege to understand, to know, to see the world through this beautiful language.

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