昨天晚上,做好了最后一套模似题,就对自己说,明天的考试我一定会过关的,安心的去睡了。早上吃了早餐,准备好了就出发了,时间还早。为了确认我的“大概”, 我就开了一个手机应用程序,。有了这个应用程序,我就依赖着它的指挥走。我越走越远,路道越偏僻,我越不熟悉了。可是,我还是跟着它的指挥走下去。到了一个地方,我决定,这个应用程序不可靠了。就决定找其他办法,打个电话,可是一看到仪表盘的时间一分钟一分钟地过去,我的信心也是一丝丝的溜走了。最后还是到了目的地。可是,我一打开门,就正要开始听力的第一题。我的心正怦怦直跳,无法集中精力,我大概失去了前十五题。 虽然心跳慢慢地安定下来,但是失去的无法挽回了。
Waking up this morning, I was still full of confidence. Thinking that I am gonna pass this test. Yet, the day has to taught me something else.
For this test I had made 2 months preparation. Studying at night, doing the mock up test, and to better my listening skill and strengthen my vocabulary, had spent a few hours daily watching Chinese program. Learnt a lot!
Last week, a friend told me that I can get the Admission ticket by Wednesday, so I told her that I will pick it up from her within those few days, because I had to check for the location where the exam would be held as well. But because of the daily routine, I could only make it later on Friday night, and it was late, so I decided that I would skip checking the location because I thought I “roughly” know where it is.
Last night, after finish my last mock up paper, I still told myself that I will pass this test, and went to sleep. Morning woke up, had breakfast, and drove out of the house. I decided to use a phone application to confirm the “rough” location that I thought I know. So I relied on that application. Until where it got me to some places that I no longer recognized then I shut it down and make a phone call, asking for direction from a family member. That time, when I looked at the time at the dashboard, with every minutes passing, my confidence had skipped out on me. I finally made it to the right place. When I opened the door of the class, the first question for listening part was starting. My heart was pounding, louder than the speaker and I couldn’t concentrate, for that I think I had lost my first 15 questions. With time, I am calmer, but what I had missed, cannot be retrived back.
What have I learnt?
My “roughly” wasn’t good enough. Next time, for anything, I have to make a better preparation. If I do not pass this test, I have no regret in it. Learnt a lot during the process. However, I feel disappointed because I didn’t do what I should and could actually do, “confirming the location.” That should and could might have done a lot of difference.
However, I had a good laugh with my friend on this. It just sounds silly.