Sunday, February 8, 2015

I Love Learning!

I am preparing for HSK test, it’s kinda TOEFL or IELTS for Chinese. There is actually no use for it as of now, as I am not applying for further study in China or applying for a job that will require that certification. I do it just to test myself out, to see how my Chinese is, and most importantly is that I need a goal to work on. I thought this might be relevant to what I do now. 

Paid for the registration fee, filled the form and submitted the photo, so tonight, when I was about to enjoy my night watching movie, I switched my computer screen to the mock up test, thinking to just do some part of it. At the end, I just couldn’t stop, I managed to finish two third of the test. The result is not bad, not sure if I am within the timing given though, but I am pretty sure I can pass the test. Haha… So for the next 2 months I am gonna work on a better goal, not only passing, but passing with a good grade. That’s me being me. I know that grade doesn’t guarantee anything, but since I have decided to do it, might as well put my best in it! :D

Initially I chose to do it in March because I want to give myself another chance this year in case I failed for the first time round. As there is another test in October. Anyway, for now, will just give my best for March and see how it works.

But I am glad that I actually do this though. Haven’t done anything academically since my China’s study. Somehow I feel great doing this  I just wonder why some kids hate school so much? I sincerely love learning! I love everything about it, including the test! =D


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