Who believe in the power of the mind?
Many books had been written about it, one of those which make it to the best selling chart is The Secret. I read it and I am one of those who actually believe in it. Simply put it as “if you believe it, you can make it happen.” Rhonda said the universe will work in its own way to make things happen. Things that we want, things that we consistently think about (especially those in our subconscious one). Anything! But to be realistic, don’t forget to actually do our part by acting on the ‘thing’ when it presents itself.
Anyway, everyone has different opinion about this. Doesn’t matter what we believe in, just be kind, to ourselves and to others (human/non-human). J
The reason why I write about this has nothing to do in convincing anyone on this matter. It’s just I had this experience today. Or sort of... Whatever it is I am glad it happened in the way it turned out.
I was contacted by my former lecturer to do interpreting for a Taiwanese education trainer (something like that?). It’s supposed to be today 1.30pm-4.30pm. So I was thinking, if I took up this request, I would have no off-day this WHOLE week. And I know that I need the rest.
Anyway, I told my former lecturer to look for someone else and ONLY if she can’t find anyone, then I will help her. Maybe she didn’t look hard enough or she just was not looking at all, so she contacted me again on Friday morning saying that she couldn’t find anyone. So I said yes.
Since then, I had been cursing myself for taking up the job. I can only think of my weekend without a proper rest. I felt terrible; the extra income didn’t excite me AT ALL. And for almost 24 hours I had been whining to my sis that I don’t have time to rest, that I regret that I promise my ex-lecturer to help her, bla bla bla..
Then 2 hours before the time, the lecturer contacted me again asking me to come earlier, so I said I couldn’t make it, because I have my own class at home. So I said I can only come at certain hours as promised, so at the end, she had to do the interpretation herself. Not that I am running from my responsibility, I can still deliver what I promised, which is a later time of the day, but circumstance had changed at her end, that made things as it turned out to be. At the end, I got what I need, my off-day!
It might be just a coincidence, but do you believe in the power of mind?
I believe it! For this, there are more reason to guard our thought! Keep it to the good ones and no others!