Thursday, January 2, 2014

Happy 2014 \(^0^)/

Here we are… If lucky enough, we are given full 12 months, 365 days, 8760 hours in 2014. What are we going to do with that? First, would like to wish everyone a happier New Year. Life has always been good to me and I can’t be more grateful. I hope it will continue on that way, and most importantly I would like to be better and kinder to myself too. That’s the goal this year! “Love me more, love myself more”

As usual, here are a few goals to work on:

1. Reduce my coffee consumption to thrice a week max. Wish me luck on this, I have been addicted to coffee lately and anything that causes addiction isn’t good.

2. Having a better sleep pattern, must sleep before 12 mid night! Seems easy but it’s really not for me. Fighting!

3. Reading! Apart from the usual novel that I read, I would like to improve myself with more educative books, a heavier reading material. The brain of mine may not be so empty, but it can be better too. As the saying goes, we die when we stop learning. I would like to keep myself alive as much as possible. That’s me being kind to myself.

4. Work smarter. Last year, the working schedule has been too hectic. Long working hours which is not necessarily efficient. I would like to award myself a day off, when the new semester begins in July. I pray hard that I can find a good teaching assistant too this year. The goal is

a. With the help of an assistant by mid of the year, I will target for 60% growth from 2013

b. Without the help of an assistant, I would like to target for a 20% growth

5. Writing – Long term goal, but I really would like to make this happen in this lifetime. It’s not necessarily money making, it’s just something that I have always loved to do. Reading works of others have inspired me, make me rich, and I would like to contribute in the same way to others. I really am… Pray and work hard!

6. Travelling is one of the things that will never been left out. I have financial goal to achieve too but I also don’t want to lose out the opportunity in making a life in the midst of making a living. This year, there maybe a few short trips that I would like to make, Malaysia for motoGP, Singapore to catch up with good friends and dental visit and one trip with dad and mom to an unconfirmed destination. That’s the minimum that I would like to have this year.

7. Braces off this year, before mid year!!! Be discipline in taking care of the result that is achieved after a 4-years-of-suffering! Brush well and twice a year visit to the dentist.

8. In walking the path of long distance relationship, I just want myself to be tougher, to have faith, trust and hope that things work fine between us. It’s been just over 3 months and I have experienced a few break down, couldn’t control the emotion, couldn’t be the support that I am expected to be. We have an unknown time period to just go with it, thus, being strong is the only option. Never know what will happen, in the mean time, we hope it will work out fine at the end.

9. This is the least important, yet, I would like to put it in. I haven’t been really buying myself ‘gadget’ for the past 2 years, instead I spent it on experience. That’s very fulfilling and I am happy with that. However, there is some ‘human’ part in me that really would like to get a hold of a new iPhone. =p

That’s pretty much of everything. And as how a prayer should go, we give thanks to what we have, so I would like to thank for the family that I have, good life that I am living, good friends that always there to support me, good partner that is good in his own way and the strangers that have sometimes there to show me how simple and beautiful life can be. Then I end it with the hope that things can go well, people can be happier and of course above all wishing everyone a true wealth in this world, health!

Happy New Year 2014~

Less than 3,
Lin ^ ^

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