Saturday, May 7, 2011

Randomly Happy~

Yohooo~ despite the uncomfortable stomach, I am in a very high spirit!

After all the stressful situation in the early of this year, I am so glad for the Bintan's quiet trip, for the Jakarta super short and fun trip! Today~ It was so good to rest at home, whole day!!! *finishing chores that have been abandoned, clean room, clean mind.

IF every other month, we are all given time off like this, we will be more happy, more fulfilled, more content, more balanced, look younger (*o*), and live longer!

Uhh~ I am just so high up now! It won't last (Nothing last) but I just wanna live the moment.

Since, I am so happy now, I want myself to always remember that I have 2 things that never fail to make me smile (at least so far, to date):
- My niece
- My Doggy (...the one that is (was) alive and breathing)

Someone wise said, when you are feeling unhappy think of something/someone that make you happy, fill yourselves with love, and you will feel better~ It's not me saying it, it's someone wise, which I could not remember. So you better take this seriously =D

Here ends my random and happy thought~

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