Thursday, March 10, 2011

Cooling down~

I realize I had posted a harsh post! Phew... Life is hard on me lately or it's me who is hard on myself. I am no strong lady and as weak as jelly~

I know myself, when I am angry, I am going to blurt everything out or it's just shown on my face! But... give me time and I will heal!

ALL of us, need a time out from time to time! Why some people could not understand this?

We need it when things are not going so well in life! We need to stop and reflect!

We need it when we are angry! We keep ourselves away, so that we do not hurt others even more~

We need it when we feel exhaused! It's about balance!

Nothing lasts! Happiness don't last. Sadness and Anger won't last either!

Crappy Feeling that is Slightly Better~

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