Saturday, July 6, 2013


I have never thought that I would consider teaching seriously. It started when I was in senior high school (about 10 years ago), I taught 4 or 5 kids from my neighbourhood. Initially, it was just an extra income that I could save in my piggybank.  
Then when I moved to Medan for further study, I taught privately and in tuition centre. Again, it’s just fully utilizing my time and earning something for myself.
I have forgotten about teaching for 5 years or more. Pursuing my study overseas, working in Singapore, enjoying what I was doing, until I decided to resign and come back to homeland. I was not planning on anything specific, then working in corporate setting in Medan for a super short time, and suddenly was boarding the plane to China.
I can say Beijing was the break that I need. I was super healthy there, mentally. J (Physically, I needed 2 months to adjust to the super dry weather, which my throat and lung resisted) I was spending my own money on the things that I had dreamed for since 9 years ago. That feels just GREAT!
I am thankful that luck has always with me, no matter how things turn out, I know that I have given my best. Have been teaching for 4 months now, and there are so many fun things happen everyday.  
Sharing something fun for the last four months:
Note: Him & Her refer to my students.
1) Him: “Miss, do you teach senior high school students?” | Me: “Yes, Why?” | Him: “Okay, I will still be taking classes with you ‘til then” - he is only in Primary, 4th grade. Long way to go, James :)
2) Her: “Miss, do you want to listen to my singing?” | Him: “You should listen, she composed it herself. It’s good when you listen to it more” | Me: “Okay then” | She then started singing - she may not be extremely good academically, but she is good in art.
3) Me: “Is the shirt new?” | Her: “niu = cow” | she is 2.5 years old and taking Mandarin class with me
4) Show a monkey doll to 3 years old kids who can't speak clearly yet. | Her: "u u a a" - She was imitating the sound made by the monkeys in cartoon that she watched.
5) Me: “What does 'Big' mean?” | Him: “Babi” (Babi = Pig in Bahasa Indonesia) | Her: “He did it on purpose. | Me: “I won’t let you go home until you can answer correctly. Big means?” | Him: “Besar” - Attention seeker, Vincent.
Something that makes me proud:
1)      A boy ranks 43 / 46 students. In the report book, I can see that English is the only subject which he gets 100 points.
2)      A girl makes me so worried; at the end he gets 81 and 90 for Mandarin and English exams, respectively. They are above what I expected from her.
3)      A student’s mom wants to increase the number of meetings for her daughter, as in 3 months she sees improvements in her daughter’s mandarin. (Another reason is that no one can entertain her daughter when she speaks mandarin at home)  
They all make me happy in the way that other things can't. They are my dreams. They are young people who have the role in supporting me realizing my dream, bigger one.
Don't grow up too fast, kids :)
Proud Teacher,
Linda Tan

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