Saturday, February 23, 2013

Chinese New Year 2013

Chinese New Year is one of my favorite festive days! Again, as I have posted before, it’s for the laughter, the food (can be scary sometimes), the family gathering, the part where people are not allowed to get angry, the reason to come back home.
This year? It’s different for me. The first time for the past 7 years that I actually have plenty of time to spend in my hometown. Not that it’s very very special, but rather it’s just different!
I would like to ‘pen’ this down: “I drive home, 4 and half hours drive”
If someone asks me when is the last time you do something for the first time?
I would say, it’s a few days ago. For the past 25 years, I have been the daughter who just sit while my dad (the only person who drive in my family until May 2012, before I learnt how to) did the driving.
 Something I am very proud of! J Not that I did it alone, my dad gave instructions (irritated me sometimes, but it did help, a LOT indeed). But yeah... I feel proud because while my dad replaced me for half an hour for me to take a break and said his leg hurts, I was there and able to help! You should know the feeling if you ever be the one who help while nobody else can. Yeah! I saved the night! Haha.. Not really a big thing, but for me it’s remarkable!
We can do it even without a male sibling in the family. Don’t worry, Dad & Mom... I am here for you! J
I would like to make a wish while the year is still fresh!
“Wish that things that I do will go smoothly, I know it will be slow, but give me a glitter of hints that it will be alright! I wish the same for people I love and care the most!”
To family & friends, wherever you are... Happy Chinese New Year!
Lin ^ ^

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