Saturday, November 26, 2011

Being Competitive

Now I know why that despite the busy working life I am living now, I feel that there is something missing. I realize I am a person who is always in search of something new to challange myself. In short, I am competitive.

I like it when there is score to everything we do (I also realize there are things that we are unable to measure). The sole reason is so that I know whether I have done very well and can move on or I should try harder to make things better. What does good or bad mean? It's relative, it's subjective. People may say I have done a good job, as long as I do not satisfy with it, it's really nothing. On the other hand, when people do not appreciate what I do, I want to know if they can have done better. If they don't, just shut up!

All the while, during our school time, we had always received our report to say how we rank in the class or compare to students in the same batch. After receiving the report, I only felt 2 things:

- Great! I have done my best and I deserve this... NO matter what the result is

- Good... I have done my best and I know I can do better than this next time... and I work on it...

That makes me miss school badly~

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