Tuesday, July 5, 2011

The Past 6 Months...

Yeah... It's July! Half of the year has passed, the question is "What have I achieved?"

I am currently reading a book from Ajahn Brahm, "Opening the door of your heart". I like the short stories inside. It's not because I am a religious person, but the stories are so close to our life. I believe in Buddhism, because the teaching is so logical. To paraphrase it "What goes around comes around". Yeah! You may not believe in how Karma works, but I believe you do not have to a Buddhist to believe in the phrase.

Back to the topic, one of the phrases I love is "What's done is finished." Yeah... We will never finish our work, but what's done is finished.

I remember one of my lecturers said that I have the rest of my life working, so do not be too desperate to get a job (that time I was a few months to the end of my college years, and I was busy planning to get a job). I admit it... I am now longing for a break all the time!

Anyway, when I was grieving, my life did not stop, I still need to go on, with tears, with dissapointment, and helplessness. Finally, all passed! Now continuing living this life... Let see what I have been doing for the past 6 months.




Mmmmm... Apparently, not that many:

1. Mission to be healthy? Not so healthy after all. But the last 2 weeks, I survived with a few days off the drugs (... my gastric and headache pills)

2. Toastmaster? Aha... This one is fun! I enjoy attending the meeting. The atmosphere is just positive. Although, sometimes I get nervous when it's my turn to speak ;( Anyway, practice makes perfect!

3. Reading? Been off for quite sometimes. The only reasons... too busy... too tired... But am back to reading now. Warming up and once the 'engine' is hot, then hope that I am not straining my eyes. Just like how difficult to start something, it's also difficult to stop.

Yeah... Boringgggg~ I am waiting for end of the year.... Going to spend more time with family :) I have another half of the year to make up for everything I have lost during the past six months.

I wanna 'restart' this year fresh~

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