Tuesday, May 24, 2011


It was believed that 2 days ago, May 21, 2011 was the end of the world, the judgement day. Harold Camping spent $100millions to advertise his prediction.

Doesn't he have something better to do? Now, he predicted that he was off by 5 months, so Oct 21 will be the new date of doomsday. We all will die and some of us will be saved, while others left stranded as they are not worth-saving! Ha-Ha

Believe it or not, nothing last! But... there are better ways in living the rest of our life, with all the resources that we have, aren't there?

With $100millions, how many eye sight that you could possibly restored? How many children that you could have sent to school? How many life that you could have possibly saved? How many good causes that you could have possibly supported?

It's just like the importance of appreaciating what we have now than keep dreaming on what we could have had.

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