Saturday, August 8, 2009

Tolerance for Imperfection

When you heard how imperfect you are, how should you respond to that?

a. Nobody is perfect, and so am I. So what?
b. I am not perfect? Who is perfect then?
c. Wondering... Give me more more more more and more. Will 'Try' to solve it.

I might fall to the category of c. Sad to say... I just think too much. Maybe should learn to be the 'a' type. Life should be easier that way.

But, if I were to be the 'a' type, aren't I ignorance? I will stay the way I am, with no improvement?

On the other hand, if I stay the way I am, the 'worry-too-much' type, there are different opinions that I should take into consideration. To change to be what people expect me to be, is really not easy to do. =(

If I had been hurting you you and you. Apologize for that. Never had the intention to do so, especially when you talk to me and I don't 'listen'. Not that I don't want, sometimes, I do not realize that you are actually talking to me. My Bad =(

If I forgot to say 'Thank You'. Now: Thank you, Thank you and Thank You.

I can never undo anything, but within the imperfection, believe that there is always tolerance offered. This is when "Love" really is all about. I believe I have it somewhere, pretty sure about that. =D

P.S. Giving tolerance for myself for being imperfect might be the hardest, it always is. If others can do so, why can't I. For me, time is always the best teacher and companion.

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